They were largely peaceful with no slavery or human sacrifice.
North American's were tribal.
Most of their religious experience was tied to the environment.
im pretty positive these are the answers
Because the metal was too brittle, it cracked during a test strike.
Wait it isn't 5! Just a second. It is -15
-4 times 5 is negative 20. When you add 5 to negative 20, it becomes -15
It is a printing press that is being shown, a form of machinery invented by Johannes Gutenberg around 1440 which was based around already invented screw presses. Here, a company, perhaps book or newspaper related, is busy using the printing press to making multiple copies of the same text again and again.
Since they are not legally allowed to have alchol they are not willing to call a cab, friend, sibling, or parent to pick them up because the do not want to get in trouble. In addition, at this age they are more reckless.