He was arrested and imprisoned upon being caught marrying Christian couples and otherwise aiding Christians who were at the time being persecuted by Claudius in Rome.
Note, the term evidence simply refers to facts that are used to support a claim. While the analysis of evidence requires a description of the facts provided by the author.
The following are some questions we can ask when conducting an analysis of evidence:
- Is the evidence plausible to the claim made by the author?
- Is the evidence provided by the author sufficient?
- Is the evidence actually relevant to the claim made?
Answer: Discrimination and respect are two words with opposite meaning.
Discrimination can be defined as the unfair, unwanted, or prejudicial treatment of people and groups based on their characteristics like gender, race, and sexual preferences. This is associated with biasness and criticism. This can be responsible for the development of stress, depression, and mental disorders. This is associated with disrespect.
Respect is gratitude or positive feeling or gestures or actions which are shown towards someone for their deeds, good qualities, or specially to old age people.
So as I understood the question it asks you to write a draft of the letter thinking that you are the narrator.
-you can point out that something is clearly wrong( you can add your own ideas since you are the narrator*<em> the writer of the draft</em>*)
-You can add your own ideas ( like you found something very terrifying for example like Maggie's brother is not dead)
The plot concludes in the "resolution" stage