A duck walked up to a lemonade stand and he said t the man running the stand, "Hey! BUM BUM BUM Got any grapes?"
Answer with Explanation:
A canyon is a natural area where both living and non-living organisms are found. Residing near it brings several benefits. <u>One of these is having the opportunity to exercise.</u> A person may access the canyon for his daily jog or walk. He may also do a little bit of hiking.<u> Another benefit is having good quality of water (free from pollutants).</u> The vegetation in the canyon prevents the urban runoff (usually from storms) from polluting the bodies of water.<u> Lastly, it gives the person a chance to see wildlife.</u> Many of the canyons are being preserved; thus, it's an opportunity to see many endangered habitats in it.
Fresh resources and it was mainly because it was in the way of getting to child because most people thought of the time they didn’t know America was there or South America so they settled there because one a new pile of and two because they had so many resources
Because the Netherlands depends mostly on Foreign Trade's than the US.
The US is a major "home" producer, and can maintain itself semi-well without foreign trading. The US still benefits from International trading though.
Since the Netherlands isn't as nutrient rich as the US, it has to depend mostly on foreign trading.