Hernan Cortes (1485-1547) was a Spanish colonizer and conqueror, who leaded the conquest of the Mexican territories, that started in 1519 with the occupation of Veracruz. The tales about the sacking of the Mexican capital, Tenochtitlan, are still legendary nowadays.
After the takeover of Veracruz, Cortes gave the order of sinking his own ships (it was thought they were burnt, but nowadays that hypothesis is being questioned). Anyway, he destroyed his ships on purpouse to force his men to go forward and conquer the New World, both in the militar and spiritual (goal of spreading the Christian religion) dimensions.
- Agreement with his decision: of course it is an incredibly effective manner of ensuring that his men would be motivated to conquer the territory, mainly because they did not have an alternative choice. They had to become rulers there or be lost in the middle of unknown lands. It can be claimed how the ultimate goal justifies the means.
- Disagreement with the decision: it can be argued how unethical is that he prevented his men from deciding if they wanted to participate or not on the mission. He eliminated the choice.
Indentured servants- Indentured servants made up a significant amount of the labor force when England first colonized the North American continent during the early 1600's. These servants would work 4-7 years for a farm owner who paid for their trip to North America. After the term of service was up, the servant would receive a piece of land to start their own farm on.
Nathaniel Bacon- Bacon was a farmer in Virginia who was upset with the Royal Governor, William Berkley, because Berkley refused to protect colonists during their altercations with Native Americans. Bacon felt that poorer colonists were not cared about by Berkley. This is why he organized a group and rebelled against the governor and his rules.
Mercantilism- This is an economic system in which one country uses another country/territory for natural resources. This was the economic system established by England in the North American continent. The British colonies were used for their natural resources, as a means to sell manufactured goods made in Britian, and as a reliable trade partner. All of this was meant to benefit Britain.
<span>) The population has increased because of the immigration and slaves.
2) The population grew in leaps and bounds, primarily through immigration.
3) Roads, waterways, railroads, steam boats, and refrigerator railroad cars.
4) * Changes in transportation played a big part in the change of United States.
* The change in the industry such as more factories being opened.
* Many women had made progress in doing things that men would usually do.
* Changes were made to the Constitution.
5) The 14th Amendment had defined a citizen as "any person born or naturalized in the U.S." The 13th Amendment abolished slavery, and the15th Amendment prohibits the right to vote to someone due to their race, color,or servitude. </span>
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