All of the items are in the form a ____, so flashlight should become a flashlight
The bus is being driven *by* the driver, instead of saying "a substitute driver drove the bus that day." The arrow points towards the action being performed.
The people of Onondaga valued dreams much than anything. The story “The Earth on Turtle's Back” is based on the dream that the chief's wife saw. The wife dreams about a tree being uprooted. She tells the villagers and the chief about the dream. Her husband after great effort uproots the tree out. When the wife looked into the hole created after the tree was uprooted, she fell into it. The animals rescued her and showed genuine concern for her. Onondaga people give credit to the animals and the Sky woman for creating the Earth. This shows that the people possess respect and affection for nature. Hence they consider that the world belongs to the animals first.
People of Onondaga valued dreams because for them the creation of the Earth had happened only after the pregnant woman saw the dream.
The meaning of this motif is quite obvious in the very first act. Simply, it means that appearances are often deceptive, and that things are different from what they appear to be. This line also points towards the play’s concern with the inconsistency between appearance and reality. Though it is a knotty and difficult idea, nevertheless it suggests that in this world, you can never be sure whether it is a mirage, an apparition, or a dagger.