Here ya go
If it were not for my sister, I wouldn't have been able to do it at all. ... As I know this is so often not the case, I wanted to take the time and thank her and all the ... and say over and over again, “I'm not helping you enough, should I fly in? ... Tell them often how grateful you are and how much their trust makes it ...
I’m not 100% sure of the people who spoke out to defend but there was punishment which resulted in death. They would drown them or execute them, I’m assuming they would do the same to the defenders in fear of them also being related to witchcrafts somehow
Language Arts
I've always been an extremely fast reader, and 'I've been a talented storywriter since I was young. Thus, the class has always come easy to me. Plus its just the most entertaining.
she should expand her resources and be able to create her website
1/10 = 2/20 = 3/30 = 4/40