hello ARI
When my dad was five, he used to walk to school and play sports with his friends. His favorite thing to do was ride his bike.
Cuando mi papá tenia 5 años, él caminaba a hasta su colegio y jugaba deportes con sus amigos. Su cosa favorita era montar en bicicleta
The answer is:
D. Heart disease
Heart disease refers to issues and deformities in the heart itself.
Heart disease is caused by :
<u><em>A poor supply of nutrients and oxygen to the organ</em></u>.
Simon is experiencing chest pain due to an insufficient blood supply to the heart
<u><em> Damage to the coronary arteries</em></u>
Saul’s coronary arteries are nearly blocked.
<u><em>Damage to all or part of the heart.</em></u>
Sean has just experienced the death of some of his heart muscle tissue.
The answer is Mar or océano
Es buena idea que yo hare una reservación.
might not be correct but ur welcome for the help