Basically to Ahab there exists something more behind the world some kind of neo-Platonic aspect. He thinks there is an unknown reasoning behind the mask of all visible things, what that is can be any man's guess but to Ahab whatever it is, it is nothing less then vengeful.
I would start with the ground up and keep thin outside lining when doing the trees :)
Thats false
The white keys on the keyboard are the major notes (C, D, E, F, G, A, B) while the black keys signifies the sharps and flats of the white notes. notes like C#, F# are from the black keys and are classified as sharps, keys like Bb, Gb are called flats and are also found among the black keys.
it is called a mute
you dont put a trumpet into a trumpet to change the noise or a mop or a clarinet, so you would put a mute in, it kind of looks like a cup