The intrinsic value of the stock is 9.76
We have to use the dividend growth model
It is fundamental to understand that these values are in the future so we must take them to present value, using the required return of 14%
![\left[\begin{array}{ccc}-&DIVIDENDS&PRESENT VALUE\\1&0&0\\2&0&0\\3&0.75&0.506228637151512\\4&0.87&0.515109841312065\\5&1.0092&8.73578093453209\\Intrinsic&Value&9.75711941299567\\\end{array}\right]](
We multiply year 3 by 1.16 to get year 4
Then we multiply year 4 by 1.16 to get year 5 dividends.
Then we use the dividend growth model to get the value ofthe future years

Again, this value is set 5 years into the future, so we have to calculate the present value

Same process is done for year 3 and 4

Then we add the three values to get the value of the stock today.