Mercantilism brought about slavery, and an imbalanced system of trade, among other acts considered inhumane. During this period in Great Britain, the colonies faced inflation as well as excessive taxes, causing them distress and paving the way for the revolution.
Spreaded is not a word ,for a sentence you wouldnt say:
I spreaded the rumor
I had spread the rumor
Cognitive dissonance
The term Cognitive Dissonance was first introduced by Leon Festinger and it refers to what happens when a person has two or more contradictory beliefs or ideas and experiences psychological stress because of that. In other words, when two ideas are opposite to each other, the person will experience stress and will try to reduce this difference to reduce their discomfort. This usually happens when <u>new evidence contradicts the person previous belief and it creates stress</u> (cognitive dissonance).
Therefore, the state of conflict that someone experiences after taking an action, making a decision, or being exposed to information that is contrary to his or her beliefs is known as cognitive dissonance.
True. Hope I was a helping hand.