A) the affordable method,
In Fine Fettle's management reviews what it is trying to achieve with promotion and sets the budget based on anticipated expenses.
B) the percentage-of-sales method,
In Fine Fettle's management reviews its forecasted sales volume for the turmeric bar and sets is promotional budget at $150,000.
C) the competitive-parity method,
In Fine Fettle looks at its competitors and finds that their average promotional spending ranges from $100,000 to $250,000. Therefore, the promotional budget is set at $200,000.
D) the objective-and-task method.
In Fine Fettle's management reviews its revenues and expenses and allocates promotional spending based on what management believes it has to spend
A) is deciding the promotion expense considering how much can afford based on the expenses budget
B) determninate the promotion based on a percentage of expected sales
C) the company will look at their competitors promotion expense and try to keep up with that level to avoid being left behind
D) management will determinate on a monthly/ weekly basis where and how much to promote