I think this would be the Great Wall of China!
although it's actually thought to be much, much longer: over 5000 miles long, if yoiu include natural defensive barriers used in it.
Answer: Convective
Convective Lifting is arguably the most common form of lifting and involves the heating of the Earth's surface such that surface water gets evapotranspirated from the ground and plants.
As the clouds rise, they encounter cooler temperatures and thus cool down and condense into clouds. Higher temperatures mean higher convection.
The Amazon lies on the Equator which receives the most direct sunlight so the surface gets heated a lot. Water therefore collects faster and condenses more over the Amazon which leads to more precipitation over the Rainforest.
Why might a post classical civilization want to conquer Egypt and the Nile River Valley? It's fertile land provided the foundation for the first human civilizations and its access to the Persian Gulf and location between Europe, Asia, and Africa made it a center of trade.
The name of Africa's tallest peak (19,341 feet above sea level) comes from two local languages: Swahili and Chagga. When combined, the words translate to "Shining Mountain" or "White Mountain." Alternate names given to Kilimanjaro throughout history translate to "Mountain Where Birds Cannot Fly" and "Mountain of Silver Moons." The Chagga people believe that a spirit lives atop the peak and will cause sickness to some who climb. Anthropologists think this is likely their method for explaining altitude sickness, caused by attempting to climb Kilimanjaro too quickly.