The unconditional response is to strengthen the immune system as a result of ingesting the drug placed in the water.
Unconditional response is the name given to a response, given by the organism, which occurs as an automatic result of an unconditioned stimulus. An unconditioned stimulus, in turn, which is a stimulus that causes responses in the body.
In this case, we can see that the unconditioned stimulus is water sweetened with a drug that strengthens the mice's immune system. In this case, if the rats consume this water, their immune system is automatically strengthened, and this strengthening is the unconditional response of the experiment.
I think the voyage of Amerigo Vespucci was the most important because it showed all of Europe that what Christopher Columbus thought was the indies was actually new undiscovered land.
Heritage preservation often leads to greater appreciation rates for both the restored building and its surrounding properties compared to areas without historical landmarks. The enhancement of existing neighbourhoods and infrastructure is significantly cheaper than building new ones.