brutus wasn't power hungry
he didnt want caesar to be crowned king because it would be bad for rome
( im reading the book right now)
The correct way to cite a newspaper article in print is
A. Green, Patrick. "Shakespeare's Masterpieces." The California Herald 2 June 2013 late ed.: B8. Print.
The format to follow for citing a newspaper article in MLA format;
Last name, First name "Article Title" <em>Newspaper Title </em>[city]<em> </em>Date Published: Page(s). Print.
Another example:
Smith, John. "Are Energy Drinks Hurting Our Teenagers?" <em>New York Times</em> 1 Jan. 2013: 1. Print
Answer: im confused be more specific
It is important to include supporting details and evidence in your own words to show that you truly understand what is being said. This is an important tool to make sure that you can connect your ideas with the reader in an effective way. Evidence can be facts or ideas, and you need to elaborate this part in order to really show that you understand the ideas you present to the reader.
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