Well in the middle ages after the decline of the Roman Empire, people were confused since the government and civilization as they knew it, was gone. Barbarians rule the land now, languages and religion is getting mixed with the savages and Roman citizens. Throughout all this chaos, there is a world wide panic from other countries that are depending on Roman grains and shipments. Allied factions and tribes now starve without the support of the Empire, free roman citizens now slaughtered and violated in the streets, and the worst part of it all is that the barbarians don't know how to live in the roman complex cities they built. All the Aqueducts and sewage systems now forgotten in time, the world everyone knew it, is gone.
The world fell back in time, after the decline in population the world grew back slowly and around 800 AD it started getting better and the growth came back slowly. Since the barbarians that conquered the lands now turn to knights and kings, up rise kingdoms and castles and the population growth slowly comes back.
Monarchy takes over the middle ages...
Communist Socialism would be the best term to describe his view of Karl
Marx, whose primary goal among others was to eliminate the class
divisions in society.
"Surrogate wars" also known as "proxy wars" are wars fought in a third country. The US and the Soviet Union were fighting each other in, for example, Afghanistan and Vietnam.
They preferred proxy wars, because they came without civilian victims of own population and without a distraction of the infrastructure of their own countries. In short, the two powers could compete militarily with each other without suffering the worst effects of the wars - this situation allowed them to try to defeat the other one without much risk to their own population.