The bourgeoisie, because they were like the middle class, and without them, the social classes would be the same as before.
Sphere of influence an outside claims trading privileges and protectorate have their own government
Florence, where the Italian Renaissance began, was an independent republic. It was also a banking and commercial capital and, after London and Constantinople, the third-largest city in Europe. Wealthy Florentines flaunted their money and power by becoming patrons, or supporters, of artists and intellectuals
The framers of the Constitution prevented tyranny separating the powers of the government, creating the system known as check and balances, where each power excercises control of the other two. All this avoids the concentration of power.
In the year 1838, 16,000 Native Americans were marched over 1,200 miles of rugged land. Over 4,000 of these Indians died of disease, famine, and warfare. The Indian tribe was called the Cherokee and we call this event the Trail of Tears<span>.</span>