Some people right on my post to To escape from the real world or To express their feelings.
See explanation.
Archeology is the study of historical artifacts.
It comes from the Greek root "archaeo-" which means "ancient."
Social development is defined as prioritizing human needs in the growth and progression of society. Social development also governs the norms and conventions that govern human interaction. The focus is on improving the lives of regular citizens, especially the poor, to make society a better place for everyone.
true is the answer of the question
World War Two ended finally in the summer of nineteen forty-five. Life in the United States began to return to normal. Soldiers began to come home and find peacetime jobs. Industry stopped producing war equipment and began to produce goods that made peacetime life pleasant. The American economy was stronger than ever.
Some major changes began to take place in the American population. Many Americans were not satisfied with their old ways of life.
They wanted something better. And many people were earning enough money to look for a better life.
Millions of them moved out of cities and small towns to buy newly-built homes in the suburbs. Our program today will look at the growth of suburbs and other changes in the American population in the years after World War Two.