What does Beneatha mean by saying that her family is suffering from "acute ghetto-itis"? Was Walter's behavior justified towards the end of Scene 2? argued with a wife thinking about an abortion, but Walter doesn't react in that way. As the play progresses because of the money and the new house they are moving in.
Hope this helps
The Code Talkers were used in every major operation in the Pacific Theatre, including the Marines.
Their primitive job was to communicate diplomatic information by telephone and radio. During Iwo Jima's aggression six Navajo Code Talkers continuously worked.
29 Navajo people merged the United States in 1942. Marines also created an unbreakable code to be used in the Pacific during the Second World War. These were the Navajo Code Talkers. The Code Talkers sent messages in their native language over the telephone and radio, a code the Japanese never broke.