The word Vietnam is derived from two Chinese words meaning "the Viet kin in the South". Traditionally, the people of Vietnam have been regarded by westerners as staunchly xenophobic, and, as such, have been viewed as having a long standing contempt for Chinese influence on the region. Border and island disputes have only exacerbated long-standing tensions between the two nations. Vietnam and China share many common cultural traditions which originated from the wet rice cultivation. China controlled Vietnam for about 1000 years, a rule which ended in 939CE. Thus, Vietnamese culture, writing, politics, religion, etc. were sinicized to a a certain degree. Yet the degree to which Vietnam preserved a distinct identity and maintained separate traditions should also be noted. During the 1st and 2nd Indochinese Wars, Vietnam grew closer to PR of China and received some funding, material, and advisors from the PRC. However, war with China in 1979 renewed hostilities. the reason why Vietnam and china are close because is that they are both communism country, there isn't much comminusim country left in the world
The anti-imperialists opposed the expansion because they believed imperialism violated the credo of republicanism, especially the need for "consent of the governed".
Radiocarbon dating is the method of dating bone that would yield the most accurate results. This kind of dating technique is used for determining the age of any object that contains organic materials in it. This is the method that was developed by a person named Willard Libby in the late 1940s. Libby got the Nobel Prize in the year 1960 for his great work.
In 1917, two revolutions appeared in Russia. These revolutions would end the imperial rule which had been established for centuries.
Through the revolutions in Russia in 1917, there would be some social changes that would allow the establishment of the Soviet Union.
The majority of countries in Western Europe considered Russia as an undeveloped society. During the Russian Empire, serfdom was practiced. This was a form of feudalism which forced the landless peasants to attend the nobility's lands.
However, this practice had been abolished in most of Western Europe's countries by the end of the Middle Ages.
The Supreme Court ruled that the evacuation order violated by Korematsu was valid, and it was not necessary to address the constitutional racial discrimination issues in this case.