A. the United states and the Soviet union became the world's two most powerful states leading to global struggle between democracy and communism,
The control of Western Europe by liberal democracies, and of Eastern Europe by the Soviet Union served to what was later be known as the Cold War. Before the end of World War II, plainly another contention was emerging, and was the way that the political and capitalist United States and communist USSR were inconsistent. Stalin, on his hand, needed to make a communist-friendly domain from the start Eastern Europe, while the allies held up the regions through Western Europe.
The Americans were <span>encouraged to grow their own food in victory gardens because of food shortage and rationing during the time of war. People could grow their own food for consumption and help the cause of the war. I hope that this is the answer that has actually come to your great help.</span>
Las transiciones a la democracia se consideran con mayor frecuencia el resultado de procesos históricos de modernización. Los cambios socioeconómicos, como el aumento del PNB per cápita, los niveles de educación, la urbanización y las comunicaciones, se han encontrado tradicionalmente como correlatos o "requisitos" de la reforma democrática. Sin embargo, los tiempos de transición y el número de pasos de reforma no se han estudiado de manera exhaustiva.
Una democracia es un sistema político, o un sistema de toma de decisiones dentro de una institución u organización o un país, en el que todos los miembros tienen la misma participación en el poder. Las democracias modernas se caracterizan por dos capacidades que las diferencian fundamentalmente de formas anteriores de gobierno: la capacidad de intervenir en sus propias sociedades y el reconocimiento de su soberanía por un marco legalista internacional de estados igualmente soberanos. El gobierno democrático se yuxtapone comúnmente con sistemas oligárquicos y monárquicos, que están gobernados por una minoría y un único monarca, respectivamente.
Correct answer is A. it allowed for colonization the New World
A is correct because new navigational instruments and technology were premise for the Age of Exploration, which led to discovery of New World and later its colonization.
B is not correct because it allowed Europeans to expand more than ever, didn't keep them.
C is not correct because it didn't affected scholarly system in Europe.
D is not correct because on the contrary, it actually weekend Natives in America.