Well because many saw him as a man sent by god to rule, that's why they let the royal family lead for the longest time. They thought the dynasty was sent by god himself, and they were given his wisdom. Or something like that, I got this info out of "Five Equations that Changed the World" which has a bit about Newton's life and what he thought of the matter.
A general disgust with conservative domestic policies, an urge for more freedoms and greater popular in government, rising nationalism, social problems brought on by the Industrial Revolution, and increasing hunger caused by prior harvest failures, all contributed to growing unrest.
True //Edward Snowden, a former contractor for the CIA, left the US in late May after leaking to the media details of extensive internet and phone surveillance by American intelligence. Mr Snowden, was granted temporary asylum in Russia, faces espionage charges over his actions.He was collecting telephone records of millions of Americans .
There was a bunch of land disputes and everyone was trying to get the most land. it turned into a conflict