The Equator is the imaginary line that encircles the Earth and is equidistant from the North and South Poles.
the Netherlands
The North Sea Floods
The Dutch and their ancestors have been working to hold back and reclaim land from the North Sea for over 2000 years. Beginning around 400 BCE, the Frisians were first to settle the Netherlands
1. Germany has a Federal republic
, Representative democracy
, Constitutional republic, and Parliamentary republic government
2. Russian has an Federal republic
, Constitutional republic
, and Semi-presidential system (but its honestly mostly a dictatorship)
3. Federal republic and Constitutional republic
The mass movements are representing movements of large masses of soil, also including rocks, water, biomass in them. These movements though need certain natural conditions so that they can happen. For a mass movement to occur, there has to be a slope, and under the influence of the gravitation, once the conditions are right, there will be movement downward until it reaches a flatter spot. If the terrain is flat, then a mass movement can not occur, as the gravitation is pulling the material down, so it will not be able to move. Also, if the gravitation is lacking, the material will not move anywhere, as without gravitation, there will be no atmosphere, and without atmosphere, there will be no agents to cause the mass movement.