The draft or of a ship's hull is the vertical distance between the waterline and the ... The draft of ships can be increased when the ship is in motion in shallow water, a phenomenon known as squat (nautical term for the hydrodynamic ...
Answer: A heuristic
Explanation: A heuristic is a mental shortcut applied to solving problems. By using a heuristic here, Ivan may be able to reduce the time to find the map if he is correct. Heuristics serve as an efficient way to find solutions when we have limited time or knowledge.
While rational problem solving techniques are ideal, the resources we have at our disposal, especially time and limited intelligence do not always allow us to be rational at all times. This is why we use heuristics which is often a method of trial and error.
Piano, ice cream, mayonnaise. All I can think of.
It is difficult because to many people the most prominent debate of the day is seemingly between the economy and the environment, and in today’s economic climate the health of the economy is often deemed more important. In similar fashion, any action taken to protect the environment is seen by many as detrimental to the health of the economy.
hitler came to power by convincing the leaders and many people that the Jews did it all