sorry i don't know cause i don't play a instrument sorry again hopes this helps
Once upon a time, two pupils named Billy and Bob were on a plane. They were flying to New York City. Bob always brought a baseball with him. It was his favorite sport. Billy warned him to be careful with his ball. He didn’t want anyone getting hit. As predicted, Bob threw the baseball and Billy, but was way off target and hit someone and the ball ricocheted and hit a window as well! They both knew they would get in big trouble. Luckily, they brought parachutes with them and flew out the window. No one ever saw them again. The end.
USA is leading during the pandemic
A Telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) is a teleprinter, an electronic device for text communication over a telephone line, that is designed for use by persons with hearing or speech difficulties. Other names for the device include teletypewriter (TTY), textphone (common in Europe), and minicom (United Kingdom).
The typical TDD is a device about the size of a typewriter or laptop computer with a QWERTY keyboard and small screen that uses an LED, LCD, or VFD screen to display typed text electronically. In addition, TDDs commonly have a small spool of paper on which text is also printed — old versions of the device had only a printer and no screen. The text is transmitted live, via a telephone line, to a compatible device, i.e. one that uses a similar communication protocol.