Secondary succession, type of ecological succession the evolution of a biological community's ecological structure in which plants and animals recolonize a habitat after a major disturbance—such as a devastating flood, wildfire, landslide, lava flow, or human activity
Severe head injury
Because pregnant women can wait, the nauseating patient can wait and a patient with broken collarbone can also wait. But the patient with severe head injury can't wait. Because of rapid blood loss and skull damage. If that patient doesn't treat on time it causes serious consequences.
Tracers are defined as elements
that can be monitored through biochemical reactions. This characteristic of tracers makes
them useful for the exploration of the mechanism of chemical reactions by
tracing the path that the they follow from reactants to products. A good
number of complex biochemical reactions (e.g. photosynthesis) have been studied
using tracers.
When muscles are required to work harder than they're used to or in a different way, it's believed to cause microscopic damage to the muscle fibres, resulting in muscle soreness or stiffness.
An enzyme-substrate complex is a temporary molecule formed when an enzyme comes into perfect contact with its substrate.