Most African Americans lived freely in the North. People in the South were trying to escape to freedom to the North since they were slaves there and they were treated badly
Answer:discovered two types of fungi, which were subsequently named for him.
The correct chronology would be as follows:
The US government establishes the office of Indian trade. In 1806, Congress created the Office of Indian Trade, an office in charge of supervising the network of public Indian trading factories that the US had from 1795 to 1822. This office was closed in 1822 because of cases of corruption.
The Choctaw sign the treaty of dancing rabbit creek. The Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek was a treaty signed in 1830 between the Choctaw Nation and the United States. This was the first removal treaty put into effect under the Indian Removal Act passed by President Andrew Jackson that same year. As a consequence of this act, the Creek ceded control of large part of their territory in what today is Mississippi in exchange for land in Indian Territory, today Oklahoma.
The Supreme Court rules in Worcester v. Georgia. Worcester v. Georgia was a legal case in which Chief Justice John Marshall ruled, in 1832, that the relationship between the American Indian Nations and the United States was that of nations; consequently, only the federal government, and not the governments of the individual states, had the power to deal with the American Indians.
The US government forces Seminole tribe to relocate from Florida to Indian territory. Per the Indian Removal Act of 1830, the Seminole Nation was forced to relocate to Indian Territory. Some of the Seminoles were removed after signing the Treaty of Payne’s Landing in 1834. However, the majority of the nation declared the treaty illegitimate and refused to leave. This resulted in a struggle known as the Second Seminole War (1835–1842). As a consequence of this war, most of the Seminole Nation had to relocate from Florida to Indian Territory.
The term that best completes the statement above is SERVICE WORKERS. The increase for the demand for service workers has created more employment opportunities for women during the years 1960s and 1970s. This is the era when women are now assigned in jobs related to providing services.
The work also tackles the complex relationship between Ireland and the anti-slavery movement. Douglass’s hosts in Ireland were mostly Quakers, many of whom were shielded from – and sometimes complicit in – the famine that was gripping the countryside. Similarly, many Irish in America were willing participants in slavery. Douglass’s meeting with Daniel O’Connell spurred the Irish leader to encourage the Irish community in America to support African-Americans in their fight against oppression. But his overtures went largely unheeded by the Irish political and Catholic community in the US, eager to ensure that their own people secured opportunities in their adopted country. The irony is captured in Kinahan’s work. In an interaction between Douglass and an Irish woman about to leave Cork for America, he informs her that the Irish had not always treated his people well. She replies: “Well then they’ve forgotten who they are.”
But ultimately, the work is concerned with exploring this important moment in Douglass’s life and its role in his development as a thinker and activist. As Daugherty says, Douglass’s experience in Ireland widened his understanding of what civil rights could encompass. “Douglass was much more than an anti-slavery voice. He was also a suffragette, for example, an advocate for other oppressed groups.”
Douglass himself captured the impact of his Irish journey in a letter he wrote from Belfast as he was about to leave: “I can truly say I have spent some of the happiest moments of my life since landing in this country. I seem to have undergone a transformation. I live a new life.”