Transactional Leadership
Leadership refers to stimulating and inducing the subordinates so as to extract the desired response or action, which is directed towards achievement of organizational goals and objectives.
Transactional leadership refers to the form of leadership wherein, the leader is very particular about the organizational structure, hierarchy and direction. This form of leadership is more formal in nature wherein incentives are defined to reward good performance.
The leader's focus is upon issuing directions and ensure abidance to organizational rules and norms. The approach lays utmost emphasis upon compliance and efficiency. It is conventional form of leadership and reactive in nature.
In the given case, Malcolm provides pay raise to his subordinates who meet their yearly goals and also supervises and monitors the efficiency of his subordinates. Malcolm's approach depicts transactional form of leadership.
Rising action is where the suspension takes plac. Falling action is where everything starts to get resolved. Ps i am chinese so sorry if my English not good.
de facto segregation
I really don't how to explain I just know
US Constitution provides for a federal government superior to state governments in regard to enumerated powers. Federal law trumps any state law in explicit conflict. State law subservient to federal law in case of explicit conflict. If state law affords more rights to residents, the state law is presumed to prevail.
Led factories and other businesses to slow down production and begin firing their workers.