The can survive fr a long period of time outside a persons body.
The correct answer is option C.
The human gastrointestinal microbiota or the gut microbiota or the gut flora refers to the microbes, which thrive in the digestive tracts of humans. The human gastrointestinal tract comprises the gathering of all the genomes of gut microbiota. It is the niche where the human microbiota is found.
The microbial composition of the gut microbiota differs across the digestive tract. In the small intestine and stomach, very small species of bacteria are found, while the colon comprises the densely populated microbial ecosystem. Of these over 99 percent of the bacteria found in the gut are anaerobes, as the space within the intestines is highly anaerobic.
These microbes are confined deep within the body where oxygen cannot reach as it is not supplied with the help of blood vessels. Thus, a highly anaerobic environment is witnessed deep within the intestinal regions.
Meiosis I, a reductional division of two haploid cells produces offspring cells that are not genetically identical with the event of recombination. Haploid girl cells have half the original/parent cell chromosomes.
meiosis II, an equational or mitotic division, divides the haploid cells created in meiosis I to produce four identical daughter cells that ultimately form the male/female gametes (egg/sperm).
Here chromatids split in contrast to meiosis I when homologous chromosomes apart.
White blood cells cannot function properly and their reduced production can lead to fever and frequent infections. This is because the function of white blood cells in fighting germs has been disrupted.
Other signs and symptoms:
- Weak and tired.
- Lack of appetite and weight loss.
- Swelling and bleeding gums.
- Headache.
- Abdominal swelling is caused by enlargement of the liver and lymph.
- Bone pain, can cause weakness.
Joint pain.
- The glands are swollen. If the glands in the neck and chest are swollen, it can cause blood flow to be blocked. This causes the face to swell, difficulty breathing and snoring.
#If i'm wrong, i'm sorry