Relax your shoulders and sit back or lie down.
Place one hand on your belly and one on your chest.
Inhale through your nose for two seconds, feeling the air move into your abdomen and feeling your stomach move out. ...
Breathe out for two seconds through pursed lips while pressing on your abdomen.
The scientific method is a process of steps in order to get a conclusion. First, a scientist will observe something. It could be really anything. Then he/she will ask themselves a question. Like how does it do that? Or why does it do that?
Then they will form a hypothesis. This is where you will ask yourself what will be the outcome of the experiment.
Next you actually perform the experiment. If the experiment comes out as your hypothesis predicted, then you accept your hypothesis.
If not, you reject your hypothesis.
Of course, in science you just don't do one experiment. You do it multiple times and even with different circumstances.
Shear stress
Shear stress is a type of stress that occurs when a rock mass is pushed in parallel and opposite directions.
Bacteria do not possess the tendency to withdraw sequences of introns from a gene, thus, if the gene for the human growth hormone were transcribed, it would translate into a non-functional protein.
When the expression of a gene takes place in eukaryotes, the budding mRNA comprising introns are removed consequently at the time of post-translational processing to produce mature mRNA. Also, the human growth hormone is produced by the pituitary gland in the form of a pre-hormone comprising a leader peptide of about 20 amino acids in length, which need to get removed post-translationally to produce a mature functional protein.
Bacteria do not possess the biochemical machinery either to effectively withdraw the leader peptide after translation or to splice out the introns. Thus, when an unchanged human growth hormone is cloned, the bacteria cannot produce the functional human growth hormone.