The compromise also included a more stringent Fugitive Slave Law and banned the slave trade in Washington, D.C. The issue of slavery in the territories would be re-opened by the Kansas–Nebraska Act, but many historians argue that the Compromise of 1850 played a major role in postponing the American Civil War.
They followed animals and found a good place to live.
People migrated from Asia to the Americas because they followed animals and found a good place to live.
Historians and archeologist think that after the last ice age, a natural frozen bridge allowed people from Asia to cross to America through the Bering Strait. The strait separates Russia from Alaska by 58 miles. Because the territory was frozen, humans in that time could follow animal herds to hunt them and feed their families
Well the canto ends with the poet talking about the value of fame and glory reached through great deeds.
He sent the U.S. Navy and Marines to fight the pirates and protect American ships and trading, which resulted in the Barbary War. In 1801 pirates captured American sheeps, demanding America pay tribute to the Barbary rulers, and Jefferson refused to give any cent which lead to War.