The medieval Russian state was left vulnerable to invasion because of fighting between noble families and because of declining trade with the fading Byzantine Empire. The Mongols easily overwhelmed the Russians. The effects of their rule were mixed: while they brought peace to Eurasia and opened up trade routes for Russian traders in this region, they also imposed cumbersome tribute payments, established a precedent of absolutist, centralized rule, and cut off contacts with Europe, slowing the spread of scientific and artistic advancements.
The history of how earth was formed, things that happened that effected history like climate change that can affect history because as you know climate protests are happening and people in the future will write down that climate protests were happening everywhere
Not sure about which period you ask, but...
Frontline trenches were usually about seven feet deep and six feet wide. The front of the trench was known as the parapet. The top two or three feet of the parapet and the parados (the rear side of the trench) would consist of a thick line of sandbags to absorb any bullets or shell fragments.
I'm pretty sure it was the Julian calendar so Julius Caesar