By lowering the levels of total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein (LDL)
Dietary fibers are classified into two: the soluble fiber and the insoluble fiber. Studies have show that the soluble fiber play a significant role in lowering blood cholesterol, hence reducing the cardiovascular diseases.
Soluble fiber helps to lower blood cholesterol by its ability to bind to the small intestine which further binds to cholesterol most especially the ad cholesterol (low density lipoprotein). Binding of Fibers to cholesterol prevents them from migrating to the blood stream and to other parts of the body. Since cholesterol can't get into the bloodstream, it exits the body through feces. Fiber has more effect on lowering LDL (bad cholesterol) than High density lipoprotein (good cholesterol.
All blood enter in the right side of the heart through two vein they are called superior vena cava also stand for SVC and the inferior vena cava also stands for SVC
The SVC collects blood from the upper half of the body and the ICC collects blood from the lower half of the body.
And also the blood leaves the SVC and IVC and enters the right atrium
I don't know for sure, but it seems like the best option.
Tim and his wife are trying to have babies
The hCG or the Human chorionic gonadotropin is the name of a hormone that is for the maternal recognition of pregnancy and is produced by the trophoblast cells which surrounds a growing embryo, and it eventually forms placenta after implantation.
Luteinizing hormone is also known as gonadotropin. This hormones is an important sex hormones for both men and women.
In the context, the doctor advised Tim to take a medical course of hCG that is having the similar effects like the luteinizing hormones as Tim and his wife is planning for babies.