This process is called meiosis. Mitosis produces two identical daugheter cells, each with 12 chrimosomes. Meiosis produces four daughter cells with 6 chromosomes.
It takes Earth longer to revolve around the sun than to rotate on its axis.
The vocabulary can be tricky in this question. It is important to remember that the term revolution refers to something moving around a fixed point. In this case, the earth is the object revolving around sun which is the fixed point in the frame of reference.
Now, the earth rotates at a constant speed around its axis. This is what causes the day/night cycle. The earth itself is spinning, therefore we use the term rotate.
Conjugation - this is when bacteria exchange genes among each other. Sexual reproduction is when genes from the male and female are fused to create a new diverse zygote. Bacteria can do a similar process by conjugation.<span />