it influences your goals because people of your culture want you to try different things. It also depends on what u study etc
Bjorn will join the fraternity and feel more committed to it than he would have without the initiation.
By having to go through all these difficult and traumatic situations, Bjorn will feel a lot more identified with the fraternity than if he did not have to experience the initiation ritual as other had. This will strengthen his personality and convictions of belonging to the fraternity.
A. Tessa thinks Varicks influence will keep accomplishing her plan goal
The Black civil rights movement was fighting for African american rights, the biggest person who fought were people like martin luther king and or malcolm x. They fought having a dream chlidren could go to school without seregation or havind seperate bathrooms and water fountains, it was childish, but now we have what we fought for, except african americans are still being killed for no reason and they are being judged by the color of the skin and not who they are, there is still progress and changes to make.