B. The world focuses too much on outward appearances; one shouldn't try to live up to others' expectations.
T. S. Eliot's poem "The Love Songs of J. Alfred Prufrock" deals with the sadness and aloofness of a person amidst the 'busy' lifestyle of the new technological age. This dramatic monologue also involves the speaker Prufrock's inner thoughts at trying to reveal/ declare his inner feelings to his lady love but is unable to do so for his feeling of inferiority overtakes him.
The given lines show how men judge one another despite the achievements that the man may have. They will always find fault with one thing or another, like when Prufrock states <em>"My morning coat, my collar mounting firmly to the chin, My necktie rich and modest, but asserted by a simple pin"</em> is overshadowed by their observation of how thin his arms and legs are. This shows how <u>the world chose to focus on outward appearances</u>, which the speaker tries to play down and rather focus on not what they say, or try to live up to that expectation. Rather, <u>one must live as one sees fit, ignoring others' expectations of what we should be. </u>
Dr Strauss went to see Charlie when he didn’t show up for his appointment. Charlie explained how he did not want to race Algernon anymore because he knew the mouse would beat him, like he did every time. Dr Strauss wants to help Charlie become smarter and he gives him a gift to hopefully help him. Charlie had his doubts on whether it would work or not, because he didn’t feel any smarter, or look any smarter. Little did Charlie know, was he was getting smarted everyday.
Introduction to Human Evolution. Human evolution. Human evolution is the lengthy process of change by which people originated from apelike ancestors. Scientific evidence shows that the physical and behavioral traits shared by all people originated from apelike ancestors and evolved over a period of approximately six million years.
Opposites Analogies. Object and Classification Analogies. Object and Related Object Analogies.
Answer:PHARMACIST : They plays a vital role as they have responsibilities to optimise their response to medications. They also gives advice to other health professionals on medication therapy bcoz they are very concerned to patients and their responsibilities.
DENTIST : The most important thing they do is to clean the teeth and keep them healthy and disease free and to prevent them from serious diseases like cavities and gum disease in the oral cavity.
DOCTOR : Passing the exam of MBBS itself is an achievement. They recover us from the diseases faster and teach us to live with disabling injury bcoz no one wants to become sick or injured. So, preventing sickness or injury is a good choice.
NURSE : They are the trusted health care professionals. They are the 1 kind of tchrs or innovators. It's an honourable profession.
Hope this helps you. ...