Humans are responsive to their surrounding environments. Some adaptation to the environment are genetic, whereas others occur within the individuals lifetime and either have a genetic basis and are irreversible or have a genetic basis and are reversible.
Returning over 4,000,000 soldiers to the workforce and filling the void left by the cancellation of wartime manufacturing contracts
The world war ended and there was an economic fading down because the country was involved in war time production and they have to transfer their focus to civilian and domestic production which was a major challenge. Production lines were ramped down and that led to the return of the crores of soldiers to stay unemployed for a while.
American economy was also in the verge of falling in recession due to the economic slowdown. American exports also dropped down sharply due to the war. Consumerism during the roaring twenties boosted the economy slowly and there was a gradual increase in the economic stability achieved by united states after the world war I.
Much as the Babylonians destroyed the First Temple, the Romans destroyed the Second Temple and Jerusalem in 70 CE as retaliation for an ongoing Jewish revolt.
The Southerners use the term redemption (redeemers) for the return of the white rule in the South after the Civil War in America. They were the Southern democrat's wing which was part of the democratic party in the South. Redeemers tried to recover their political power to control the South. They were also against the carpetbaggers, scalawags, and some of the Republican people who control the Reconstruction era which began in 1867-68.