The Study of "Silent Movie "
A silent film is a film with no synchronized recorded sound - In silent films for entertainment, the plot may be conveyed by the use of title cards, i&Titten indications ofthe plot and key dialogue idea of combining motion pictures With recorded sound is nearly as old as film itself, but because of the technical challenges involved, the introduction of synchronized dialogue became practical only in the late 1920s with the perfection of the Audion amplifier tube and the advent ofthe Vitaphone system. The term "silent film" is something of a misnomer, as these films were almost always accompamed by live sounds. During the silent era that existed from the mid-1890s to the late 1920s, a pianist, theater organist—or even, in large cities, a small orchestra—would often play music to accompany the films. Pianists and organists would play either from sheet music, or improvisation. Sometimes a person would even narrate the intertitle cards for the audience. Though at the time the technology to synchronize sound with the film did not exist, music was seen as an essential part ofthe viewtng experience. The term is also frequently used to describe sound-era films that have a recorded music-only soundtrack without dialogue, such as City Lights and The Artist. The term silent film is a retronym—a term created to retroactively distinguish something. Early sound films, starting with The Jazz Singer in 1927, were variously referred to as the "talkies", "sound films", or "talking pictures". Within a decade, the widespread production of silent films for popular entertainment had ceased, and the industry had moved fully Into the sound era, in which movies were accompanted by synchronized sound recordings of spoken dialogue, music and sound effects. Most early motion pictures are considered lost because the nitrate film used in that era was extremely unstable and flammable. Additionally, many films were deliberately destroyed because they had negligible continuing financial value in this era. It has often been claimed that around 75 percent of silent films produced in the US have been lost, though these estimates may be tnaccurate due to a lack ofnumerical data. Elements and beginnings Roundhay Garden Scene, which has a running time ofjust over two seconds, was filmed in 1888. It is believed to be the world's earliest surviving motion-picture film. The elderly lady in black is Sarah Whitley, the mother-in-law of filmmaker.
A sense of humor and honesty but it depends for everyone
In balanced forces, the magnitude of the two forces is equal, whereas, in the case of unbalanced forces, the magnitude of the two forces are unequal. In balanced forces, the two individual forces act in opposite direction. Conversely, in unbalanced forces, the individual forces either act in same or opposite direction And it affects it because Balanced Forces acting on an object will not change the object's motion. Unbalanced Forces acting on an object will change the change the object's motion.
The author describes the development of the justice systems by their goals in maintaining public safety, skill development, habilitation, rehabilitation and reintegration of youth.
The juvenile court system was established in United states were children and youth are seen as miniature adults and they were punished as adults.
The difference between the juvenile justice system and criminal justice system is rehabilitation. They focus on rehabilitation than adult justice system.
The Juvenile justice system can be improved by recognizing youth, taking responsibility for their actions, and also by providing better solutions for decision-making.
It is effective in providing response to youth. The examples are, The effective juvenile justice provides response to criminal behaviour of young people.
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