MS word is Microsoft word and you can use MS Word in daily life and business to create professional-looking documents such as resume, letters, applications, forms, brochures, templates, business cards, calendars, reports, eBooks, and newsletters in speed with high quality.
name = input("What is you name?")
fav_number = input("What is you favorite number?")
print(name + " your favorite number is " + fav_number + "!")
In C++:
int PrintInBinary(int num){
if (num == 0)
return 0;
return (num % 2 + 10 * PrintInBinary(num / 2));
This defines the PrintInBinary function
int PrintInBinary(int num){
This returns 0 is num is 0 or num has been reduced to 0
<em> if (num == 0) </em>
<em> return 0; </em>
If otherwise, see below for further explanation
<em> else
<em> return (num % 2 + 10 * PrintInBinary(num / 2));
num % 2 + 10 * PrintInBinary(num / 2)
The above can be split into:
num % 2 and + 10 * PrintInBinary(num / 2)
Assume num is 35.
num % 2 = 1
10 * PrintInBinary(num / 2) => 10 * PrintInBinary(17)
17 will be passed to the function (recursively).
This process will continue until num is 0
Bottom of the case
Through a connector
Regularly we must see the bottom of the case to remove some screws, and then move the keyboard, but first, you have to remove a connector.
The keyboards have evolved from windows and IMB built their own keyboards for desktop, and now we have digital keyboards, and replace a keyboard in a laptop can change for the model or the size.
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