As the principal, it has come to my attention that my students does not like my decision of having to wear a uniform. To me personally, I believe uniforms will make the school more presentable. Not only that, it looks way more professional than what my current students wore in the past. Though you may not like it, it is now part of the requirements. Have a nice day.
What’s sentence you need to know the answer?
Answer: to emphasize the intense responses of audience members to Antony's speech
When Mark Anthony gave a eulogy for Julius Caesar who had been assassinated by several members of the Roman Senate, he did so with such emotionally charged rhetoric that the audience were so riled up that they wanted to kill his assassinators to avenge the great man painted by Mark Anthony.
The camera therefore focuses on the faces of the individual members of the audience who had been riled up, to show just how intense their response to this speech that riled them up was.