it would be nice if you gave some form of info here
in other words without information no help aka I'm slow and just need points
the info needed to log in
-This would show what is protected in the privacy policy and its related to you since it would show personal data.
-A good Privacy Policy depends on understanding these matters - showing that this is not an agreement to take for granted.
The account record comprises of Invoice roll up summary fields.
The possible reason that this change was not permitted was that the account record comprises of Invoice roll up summary fields.
Invoice roll up summary fields: A roll-up summary field computes values from associated records, for example those in a linked list. a person or someone ca design a roll-up summary field to show a value in a master record by building the values of fields in a particular record.
The detail record must be associated to the master through a master-detail relationship. for instance, you want to show the sum of invoice amounts for all linked custom object records in an account’s Invoices related list. you can show the whole or sum in a custom account field refereed to as Total Invoice Amount.
A diagram showing the relation between variable quantities, typically of two variables, each measured along one of a pair of axes at right angles. A collection of points whose coordinates satisfy a given relation. A sheet of information in the form of a table, graph, or diagram. Normally graphs and charts in excel are very much similar to each other, but they are different, Graphs are mostly a numerical representation of data as it shows the relation of change in numbers that how one number is affecting or changing another, however, charts are the visual representation where categories may or may not be related to each other also how the information is displayed is different in both graphs and charts.