Los corticosteroides o corticoides son una variedad de hormonas del grupo de los esteroides y sus derivados. Los efectos de los corticosteroides pueden dividirse en glucocorticoide y mineralocorticoide
Being able to communicate better with natives as well as better understand their culture when traveling abroad is an example of a PERSONAL benefit of bilingualism.
A jail Alai arena is known as a fronton.
hope this helps
Yo tengo que ir a la tienda mañana en la tarde, ir a comprar comida hoy despues de la escuela, y estudiar mañana antes de mi primera prueba.
English translation:
"It's good that my friends ____ me with the project for art class."
The Spanish sentence uses a reflexive verb, which indicates that the verb will be applied to a subject. The subject in this sentence is 'me', which means that the speaker is being helped.
The subject acting out the verb is 'mis amigos', which is a third-person plural subject. The conjugation for ayudar that agrees with this subject is ayudan.