Poor school systems cramming in too much info within a similar amount of allotted time. An easy solution is to treat high school more like college, splitting it into separate building for what classes are in each building. Then by that point the students will have a basic understanding of what they want their career to be, and will be able to pick the classes they want, with the deadline being when they finish. On top of that this will increase jobs, which is always a plus
In the poem, the setting is never clearly stated, but based off some of the lines in the poem, we can make an inference that it happens during a clear night.
I would say D represents the poem the most. While A also represents the poem well it is D
The story ends with Jonas discovering a village in Elsewhere during a snowy night and sledding down a hill towards a warm cabin with Gabe, which happens to be the first memory he experienced. The reader is left with a sense of hope that Jonas and Gabe will start a new life in the unknown village in Elsewhere.