A. Water+ carbon dioxide (light) > sugars + oxygen
Coprolites are the type of fossils which can tell the scientist what dinosaurs ate.
A Coprolites is fossilized faeces.They are classified as trace fossils as opposed to body fossils as they give evidence for the animal's behaviour rather than morphology.This name is derived from Greek words.They were first described by William Buckland in 1829.
We knew hospitals as places where people get treatment. We
hardly imagine hospitals doing outreach to the community outreach nowadays.
Community outreach may improve patient outcomes, which is crucial for the
hospital to have access to payer’s reimbursements. One good example is giving outreach
to churches, since these institutions often have older and often sicker, individuals.
The hospital may directly engage with the church and give health education and
smooth transition from hospital to home. The hospital may also embrace social
media, or use Twitter to data-mine flu outbreaks in the community.
Eukaryotes are found in plants, animals, fungi, and protists
we need oxygen don't mind me