This short poem has End Rhymes, meaning that the rhymes are located at the end of each line. In this case, 'shine' and 'mine' rhyme and are located at the ends of each line.
It is a, because he is bald and ashamed of it.
Take out the bare parts: the subject and verb: forests _____.
If you still can't tell, assimilate it to something easier. Let's say "they are".
Both "forests" and "they" are plural.
Now, you wouldn't say "they is"; the verb also has to be plural.
Back to "forests _____": forests contain. (A)
By the Process of Elimination, C and D are incorrect. You also cannot fill it out with "has contained" because that is singular. It would be "have contained", but that does not make sense in the context.
So, the final answer would sound like this:
The forests near my home contain many different types of trees and plants.
I hope that clarifies the problem (:
The information in this booklet has been adapted from “The Americans with Disabilities Act Questions and Answers” document produced by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, October 2008 version.
This publication was produced as a collaborative project by the ADA National Network, which is funded by the U.S. Department of Education, National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research. This document does not reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Education and is not a legal determination of your rights and/or responsibilities under the ADA. It is provided as technical assistance and you should consult an attorney for legal matters.
Smoking bans, or smoke-free laws, are public policies, including criminal laws and occupational safety and health regulations, that prohibit tobacco smoking in certain areas, usually in enclosed workplaces and other public spaces. Such policies are usually enacted to protect people from the negative health effects of passive smoking or second-hand smoke (SHS) exposure