Yes that's true. As the first president he set precedents for future presidents, for example the title "Mr. President," having dinner parties, having a maximum of two terms.
We can be sure that ancient civilizations knew of and were concerned about infectious diseases from several facts. The hunter gatherers rarely suffered from water borne diseases. They knew that the water that stank or did not taste well was not good to intake. Their main knowledge came from experience. During the Greek period several doctors like Alcmaeon of Croton were mentioned and hence they must have had the knowledge about infectious diseases like Cholera. Several other infectious disease treatment have also been mentioned during the Greek period.
B - Palestine and it’s holiest city, Jerusalem
Roosevelt supervised the mobilization of the U.S. economy to support the war effort, and implemented a Europe first strategy, making the defeat of Germany a priority over that of Japan.
First the person will be located in the smokey corners of the building.
He smells fire as he starts walking out a bit farther from the building.
The person sees dead bodies but chooses to ignore it.
He hears the battle cries of the soldiers who are fighting for their lives.
He touches the side of a dead face that used to be his sisters but the look of it seems as distant memory.
He then starts thinking if we win this battle we can get: our enemies cargo and retrieve many gifts from those around us for saving their homes and also we will have the honor of all of our enemies being destroyed!
A week after this battle we will be rich and happy! For we will have conquered our enemies and will never have to worry again! Lets defeat them!
Frequent Answerer Sargedog