The entorhinal corterx is located very close to the hippocampus, interconnects to the cerebral cortex through a large number of nerve fibers, as well as the cerebral amygdala or tonsillar nucleus. The entorhinal cortex has age connections and goes back to the cortex, the hippocampus. The cerebral amygdala is also located in the limbic system, and is a set of nerve cells together. It is located within the antero-inferior region of the temporal lobe, close to the hippocampus interconnecting with it. It is also close to the septal nuclei, the prefrontal area and the dorsal-medial nucleus of the thalamus.
People who use their cell phones to talk or text while driving are by far the most common reason for distracted driving accidents. In fact, the National Safety Council estimates that 26% of all car crashes involve cell phones.