Uso de vehículos eléctricos y evitar el uso de combustibles fósiles.
Para preservar los bajos niveles de contaminación y mejorar la calidad del aire alcanzada en la cuarentena, reduzca el uso de combustibles fósiles que se utilizan para la producción de energía, industrias y vehículos. Los vehículos producen la mayor cantidad de dispositivos de dióxido de carbono que causa la contaminación del aire. Durante el cierre, hay menos cantidad de contaminación porque hay menos vehículos en las carreteras. Deberíamos utilizar vehículos que funcionen con electricidad porque no produce contaminación y, por lo tanto, se mejorará la calidad del aire.
Western and Northern Hemispheres.
no social hierarchy
in communism the ideology is about everyone being equal therefore, there shouldn't be a social hierarchy
Some of the southern European countries have contributed to the development of world art, the best example of them is Italy.
<h3>How did Italy contribute to art?</h3>
Italy is a sovereign country in southern Europe that has been characterized by its great contributions to the world of art throughout history. There arose one of the most important human civilizations, the Roman Empire.
Since Roman times, art, especially sculpture in marble and other materials, was the main activity of artists. Once the Middle Ages began, artists focused on painting. Later, during modernity, painting was also used as a means to express the feelings and ideologies of society.
Some of the most outstanding works are:
- The Sistine Chapel - Michelangelo Buonarotti
- The last supper - Leonardo da vinci
- The Gioconda - Leonardo Da Vinci
- Birth of Venus - Sandro Botticelli
Another prominent country in the field of art is Spain, where talented artists have emerged such as:
- Pablo Picasso
- Johan Miro
- Salvador Dali
- Francisco de Goya
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