From my understanding true because they are the fats and carbs carbs our calories calories are energy
La energía cinética se define como:
2 metro v2
Dado que la masa del péndulo no cambiará, la única forma de que cambie la energía cinética es que cambie la velocidad del péndulo. La energía cinética es máxima cuando la velocidad es máxima. Esto ocurre en la parte inferior del péndulo.
Si la energía cinética es más alta en la parte inferior del péndulo, entonces es donde la energía potencial es la más baja. Entonces, la energía potencial sería más alta cuando el péndulo esté en su punto más alto a cada lado de su movimiento donde está estacionario por un instante. Este es el punto donde toda la energía cinética se ha convertido en energía potencial (
(Brainly no dejaba de espaciar mis respuestas, así que lo siento si esto es difícil de entender ... si es correcto, ¿podrías marcarme como el más inteligente?)
The direction of our attention creates our reallity because we first use our attention to learn symbols.
<em>We believe those symbols represent our knowledge and reality. Then we reach a stage where we realise that this reality is not real. So we try to change it and create a new one. It is like we declared war against all the lies in our knowledge and we fight to throw off the belief system that causes us to repeatdly punish ourselves for past wrongs, which is the system that brings up past thoughts and punishes us over and over again.</em>
<em>When we accept ourselves just the way we are and everyone else these punishments end.</em>
The items that can contribute to heart disease is C. Nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide. These are the chemicals that contribute to pollution. Carbon monoxide is the product from a combustion that can affect our respiratory system whenever we inhale this gaseous chemical. And nitrogen oxides can affect and penetrate areas of the body when inhaled in which our respiratory organs may be affected by diseases because of this chemical.
Would be most consistent with the two-factor theory
This theory was created by Stanley Schachter and Jerome singer. According to this theory, when an emotion is felt, a psychological arousal occurs , and the person will use the immediate environment to search for emotional cues that will be used to label the physiological arousal