Get a job college is not worth your money or time, also don't do loans thats how I got in debt :(
3rd one
I ma pretty sure it is this one,
Click on File, select New, select Themes and find the saved theme.
The correct answer is D, to focus. If you'd like proof, i can show ya.
I know i am late, but for the new ppl, here you go. can i get brainliest?
Will it be beastiary? (beast fable)
Sudans Gov’t Executes Thousands of non-arab citizens.
A genocide can be defined as an illegitimate or unlawful killing of a large number of people because of their culture, religion, social status, political beliefs, ethnicity, race, and other issues.
This ultimately implies that, these group of people killed didn't commit any crime.
Hence, the newspaper headline that describes an act of genocide is Sudans Gov’t Executes Thousands of non-arab citizens. Therefore, the Sudanese government committed genocide by killing or executing non-arab citizens.