Money. A certain amount was used to pay for items
Congress called for a convention to be held in Philadelphia in 1787 in order to <span>revise the Articles of Confederation. </span>
China has the world's largest population (1.42 billion), followed by India (1.35 billion).
The next five most populous nations – the United States, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan and Nigeria – together have fewer people than India.
Michelangelo shares Bramante's belief that a central plan is the ideal form for a church.
Always a sculptor first and foremost, Michelangelo brought his obsession with the human form into architecture and believed that buildings must conform to the shape of the human body. It is perhaps an absolute masterpiece: Michelangelo's strangely moving statue of Pietà, carved during the sculptor's first visit to Rome.
when he was only twenty years old. Bramante made the first plan of the new church. He proposed a massive church centrally planned in the form of a Greek cross enclosed in a square with a large dome in the center, and smaller domes and half-domes radiating out.
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